CONH Pilot Program and Commercial Rent Control:
On Monday the New York Housing Preservation and Development added rules changing the Certificate of No Harassment Pilot Program. The number of buildings covered by the program is said to increase including the neighborhoods where there is a high chance of displacement. It will also compensate tenants for the harassment they experienced. If you don't know what CONH is, it is The Coalition Against Tenant Harassment. This program is a way to stop landlords from displacing low income tenants simply because they want to make renovations to the building and get high paying tenants in. With this program they would need a Certificate of No Harassment in order for them to get a permit. Check out this website for more information.
Commercial Rent Control?
In other news there is a proposed legislation that would establish a system of commercial rent regulations on retail stores of 10,000 square feet or less. CHIP is asking that if members would like to testify, get in contact with them. New York Officials are talking about converting these office spaces into housing. Due to the pandemic tenants are working from home and many office spaces have stopped being used