For those of you up to date on our posts, we mentioned that the State Legislature was going to reconvene on Wednesday, September 1st, in Albany to pass a new eviction moratorium. Although the bill may be further amended before passing, CEEFPA and CEPOSBA protections are extended through January 15, 2022. Lawmakers are expected to make changes to this moratorium in order to comply with the Supreme Court rulings. In this new bill property owners will have the right to challenge a tenants hardship declaration at a hardship congestion hearing. More information is still required for guidance on this but the court will also be obligated to advise residential tenants of the ERAP program during the hearing. The bill will also allow for eviction cases to proceed even if the tenant has applied for ERAP funds, if the tenant is engaging in unreasonable and threatening behavior. In a separate bill the State Legislature is going to increase the money available for CERAP funds. Although a lot of tenants do not know about CERAP the goal is get them to apply and be more informed. This new moratorium will give the government more time to distribute the money to those who have already been approved.